Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The R.A.A. is Canada

Forgive me for posting videos twice consecutively that have nothing to do with Russia. I just learnt how to post youtube videos directly onto my blog so you could say I'm "binging" on videos right now.

While this video has nothing to do with Russia, it's a good song, and it reminded me of home enough that I longed to see another indie-kid-on-a-bike biking past hay bales.

The Band is The Rural Alberta Advantage. They're on Saddle Creek records, and they are pretty dang Canadian--one of their songs is called "The Deathbridge in Lethbridge."


  1. Daniel got me hooked on Hey Rosetta!
    Also Canadian.

  2. Hey Kevin.. I love the RAA. It's too bad they're not the RMA.

    Side note: Clicking on the username above linked me to a blog about a certain someones teaching adventure in Thailand.

  3. whoa cool I forget that still existed!
