Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Moscow // Meek Women

This week has been a busy one. The miracle month of November is similarly miraculous in Russia, but the format of things is quite different. The 8 page biography I wrote on Lenin was based mostly off our textbook and internet sources--such a freshman move. There's still a lot to do, but I still manage to find the time to squeeze in blogs that incorporate at least a few cool google images.

Also read a cool Dostoevsky story called either "A Meek Woman" or "A Gentle Creature." It's pretty solid, and here are a few cool quotes:

"Cheap magnanimity is always easy, even sacrificing one's life is cheap, because that's only blood at a boil and an excess of vitality, a passionate yearning for beauty! No, let's see a hard deed of magnanimity, quiet, unheard, without glitter, combined with slander, in which there is a great deal of sacrifice and not a drop of glory--when you, a person of glowing attributes, are presented to everyone as a scoundrel, although you are more honest than anyone on earth--try accomplishing that deed, will you!"

"Youth is always magnanimous, although a little bit off the mark" -- I think it'd be Ironic to get a cool tattoo of this quote. That'd be so cool.

"Everything is dead, and the dead are everywhere. There are only people, and they are surrounded by silence. That is the world! 'People, love one another,'--who said that? Whose commandment is that? The pendulum coldly ticks away, it's horrible."

Tommorow we are also taking a 12:40 am overnight train to Moscow to see things like the Red Square and Lenin's Mausoleum. Next time I blog there should be at least 9 high quality pictures that don't involve dogs wearing pants--but maybe more that do...

One more for good measure:

Existential Dostoevsky quotes mixed with dogs wearing pants--that is what the internet is about.

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