Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Being Sick in Russia


I think this represents an all-time low in Blog quality. Read on only if you love pain and hate taco salad, two things that I view to be essentially the same.

I've been sick the past few days. It sucks being sick all the time but I'd say it sucks even more in Russia.

My roommate is watching terminator salvation right now and John Connor just shot out the windows. I hope to shoot out the windows on a building sometime--that's the friggin' manliest.


(Inside that Window is dead Cyborgs, or maybe "off" Cyborgs if you want to get technical)

Back to the story of the sickness though: yesterday I slept about 14 hours in an effort to feel better. In Canada when I'm sick its kind of like, "sweet I'm sick I'm going to look at facebook photos or play gameboy and not worry about anything." But in Russia I feel like I'm missing things when I'm sick. Funny that I don't feel like I'm missing things when I'm sick in Canada. I think being sick has made me appreciate Canada more in a strange Terminator inspired way.

I don't want to take this too far though or else I'll end up sounding like the dissapointing beard guy of my last post who got existential when someone wore a black tie. This post may mark the first appearance of home-sickness though. I wish I could just be sick and eat taco salad.

This is what happens when you google image search robots and taco salad:

(I knew it.)

1 comment:

  1. did you make that taco salad? that's impressive?
    hope you're feeling better... skype soon?!
